
Atari Lynx Emulator


Atari Lynx

The Atari Lynx was a portable video game console system. It was released in Sept 1st 1989, the Game Boy from Nintendo was released 5 months earlier in the same year. The Game Boy had a black and white LCD screen, the same type of LCD screens used in digital calculators back in the 1970s and 1980s. The Game Boy retailed for about $89.95 in late 1989, and the Atari Lynx retailed for $179.99 in late 1989. The reason for the higher price was due to its color LCD screen. LCD screens with color was a novelty back in the late 1980s through the late 1990s. The Atari Lynx had a resolution of 160×102 with 16,320 colors, compare that to the Game Boy with a resolution of 160×144 with 2 colors. The Game Boy had a higher resolution, but the Lynx had color.

Atari Lynx Emulator Video Link
Atari Lynx Emulator Tutorial Link

Atari Lynx Emulator Tutorial